Why do parents need feeding support?
The majority of parents or parents-to-be know the importance of breastfeeding and that it should be baby's only source of nutrition for the first 6 months. In most cases parents are keen to try breastfeeding and hope to give their breastmilk to their baby for as long as possible. However, it can sometimes be a very difficult or trying experience.
Generations ago women and girls would sit around and watch each other breastfeed whilst providing support and information as part of natural every day life. Very few of us now have the opportunity to learn breastfeeding or even bottle-feeding in this way, we don't have a readily available pool of knowledge to utilise when things are not going to plan.
Most people these days get their information from the media, well-meaning friends/ relatives, and social media. But sometimes that information is out of date or based on their own experience, which doesn't necessarily have to be your experience!
My Independent Midwife will support you to learn all about breast and bottle-feeding, overcome your feeding difficulties and achieve your feeding goals using the most up-to-date evidence combined with over 30 years infant feeding experience!
What makes our service so special?
- Together Jenny and Sarah have a combined experience of over 30 years in infant feeding. This vast amount of knowledge and experience ensures that you are given the very best support for the individual and unique challenges that are influencing your feeding journey. As midwives, they have supported hundreds of parents and babies to overcome their feeding difficulties and achieve their feeding goals.
- Jenny is a qualified internationally board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC)! This is the highest attainable qualification in infant feeding, recognised across the world. There are only 734 IBCLCs in England and this qualification not only signifies the level of passion and dedication that Jenny has for infant feeding, but also that her knowledge is current, evidence based and extensive.
- Jenny is a qualified Tongue-tie practitioner. Jenny has completed a masters course, at Wolverhampton University, to enable her to assess and divide tongue-ties. This is done using the most in-depth assessment tool available.
- Jenny has 3 children and Sarah has 4 children, all were given some breastmilk and all 7 had different feeding journeys. This lived experience provides a knowledge that is seldom gained from books. We know how difficult caring for a child with a feeding difficulty can be because we've been there and we get it!
What Support Packages do My Independent Midwife Offer?
Breastfeeding antenatal preparation
Individualised breastfeeding and bottle-feeding support sessions
Breastfeeding support Group in Warrington
Infant feeding support
Whatever your feeding support need is we are confident that we will be able to help. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs.
Contact us on 07495976234 or email us at birth@myindependentmidwife.co.uk for help from the best.