Katie, Josiah and baby Heidi
Katie chose to have an independent midwife because her mother-in-law had several very positive birth's under the care of independent midwives and was keen for Katie to have a similar experience. Heidi is Katie and Josiah's first baby and Katie was keen from the start to have baby Heidi at home!
Katie had a lovely straightforward pregnancy. The night before she went into labour she felt really hungry and had a huge meal. At 11:40pm her membranes released before any surges had begun, Katie felt well prepared and headed back to bed to get some rest. 45 minutes later Katie could feel pressure building in her back and her bump, her body knowing exactly what to do! She also felt really hot and then really cold, alternating between the two, as her hormones prepared her body for birth. Katie focused on listening to her hypnobirthing and relaxing in the way that she had practiced though-out the third trimester of her pregnancy. Katie reports that this was much harder to do than she had expected, but she did find that it helped her to relax.
By 3am the pressure was coming in frequent waves that Katie could feel intensely in her lower back and lower bump. These waves continued to build and Katie asked Jenny (her lead midwife) to join her at 4:30am.
When Jenny arrived Katie was clearly in established labour. Katie didn't want a vaginal examination so we proceeded to fill her birthing pool up and start using the TENs machine. Katie used her hypnobirthing techniques to breathe through the waves and surges of her birth and found that music was really important to her.
Katie was unsure if she wanted to get into the pool at first as her TENs machine was really helping to ease her discomfort and she felt worried that the water wouldn't be as effective. However, Katie chose to get into the birthing pool at 7am as the surges had become more intense. Katie found that the pool really helped her to relax and her birth was progressing beautifully. Shortly after getting into the pool Katie also started using the gas and air (entonox), which she also found to be helpful.
Katie started to feel pressure at 7:45am and her body encouraged her to start pushing.
Baby Heidi was born at 9am, Katie gently brought her to the surface of the pool, helped by Josiah and together they celebrated the birth of their perfect baby daughter.
Katie wanted the cutting of Heidi's cord to be delayed and she chose to stay in the pool until she delivered her placenta without having the oxytocin injection.
A message from Katie .......
I felt so good after giving birth. It was labour- it is a fitting word! But it is a beautiful process and it was a precious experience because I felt so cared for and supported. I just want to tell everyone how awesome birth is!
I've really enjoyed and valued the care on a practical level but also the fact that the care is really real. It's beautiful how that shines through in their work- making the care that they provide not just a box ticking experience but like that of a fiend. I love the passion for good treatment and support to make our own truly fully informed decisions every step along the way.
Thank you for journeying along with me in the growth, delivery and nursing start of this precious little child. It's been a joy having you along and getting to know you.
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